29 November 2008
Thanksgiving Spectacular, circa. 2008
Jesus is always there for us and He orchestrates schedules, events and even dinners so that believers can minister to other believers in times of trouble and in times of celebration.
The above is from "No More Stupid" - a blog I follow by Teri, a friend from the other coast.
As I read her insightful entry on her family and their resemblance to the body of Christ, I was reminded that the body of Christ is my family.
Holidays have not always been happy times for me.
I recall the occasional holiday growing up when I would be 'banished' to my room for some seemingly insignificant event, causing me to miss whatever I had deemed the 'best part' of that particular holiday. Sometimes it would have been the parades, other times, the arrival of some relation or another. The perception of this young me was that celebrations would be better off without me there.
This philosophy of living carried well into my adult years; likely affecting more than 3/4's of my holidays.
Thanksgiving 2008 was likely the best holiday I've celebrated; although it didn't look like it was going to be from my earlier vantage point.
Working in E.M.S. (9-1-1) I generally go home (the parents) every other Christmas or Thanksgiving. Being scheduled naturally for Wednesday and Friday in November, I will be home for Christmas. Having Thursday off could have meant another sad holiday alone.
Enter Ryan and Nate, two of my favorite people on the planet. These brothers celebrated Turkey Day 2007 at Ryan's house, and thoroughly enjoyed it. They invited me to join them this year, and I readily agreed.
Through a series of events, as the holiday approached Nate decided to travel over the holiday, placing a small quandary in my festivity planning. As a note, I am sooo thankful that he got to head to warmer climates to spend time with a best friend of his from ages past.
The problem, was that this may mean that Ryan and Hilliary may change their plans, which of course, would change mine (you recall, don't you, that it really is all about me). But 'Jesus is always there for us. He orchestrates schedules, events and dinners so that believers can minister to other believers in times of trouble, and in times of celebration.' Isaiah said 'but the Lord is mindful of His own... He remembers His children.' Either way, I'm blessed.
I had resolved to celebrate the day with Jesus, even if other opportunities had NOT arisen.
The confirmation came and the Holiday arrived. Communion Thanksgiving Eve was great. Pastor's Brian and Carlos led a great evening, w/Pastor Joe speaking. Slept in Thursday morning.
Arrived at R&H's and hung w/them and the babies. Watched 'Star Wars: Clone Wars' then more of Hill's fam arrived. They were very pleasant and relaxed. Appetizers, drinks and fun ensued and led through a lunch that would easily compete w/Mom's (sorry, Mom, but Hilliary did a wonderful job...). More of Ry's family arrived for 'desert' and hanging out.
Well after dark the place began to thin out again and the hilarious comedy "Kung Fu Panda" aired on the DVD/TV. I don't know when I've enjoyed a movie so much. The lowest note was the last movie of the night, "Tropic Thunder" which I can't even say was laced with swearing. That was the main focal point, methinks. At any rate, I love Ryan and Hilliary so much the more and am thankful to be a part of their family. Brother Nate was missed, but made an appearance via photo/text messaging that brought a good laugh.
I can hardly wait for the Wedding Feast coming up soon. I'm sure to sit near Nate and R&H and so many of you. The food will be beyond comparison, the atmosphere clean and blessed, the building (which I might add, has been in the works for a couple thousand years) beyond compare! And the Groom: I can only imagine. The spouse of our dreams to spend eternity with.
Thank you Jesus, for a incredible day.
Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus,
Labels: family, fellowship, food, God, Hilliary, Holiday, Jesus, Kung Fu panda, Nate, Ryan, Star Wars, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving 2008, Tropic Thunder, Wedding Feast
19 November 2008
Blogging Envy
Well, I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I'm to do with this blog-space.
Do I want to do a journal or devotional or ...? :::sigh::: Both?
Oh, well.
What happens, will happen.
15 November 2008
Derek Kostovick
Today I had the unique privilege of attending the "senior composition recital of Derek
It's been 18 years since I last was a music major in college and let me tell you, until you've seen Derek you've not been to a collegiate recital. The compositions were great!
A Sax Moot was quite possibly my favorite! With Derek on the grande piano, joined by Kevin Padworski, I was thrilled and moved by this piece! The skill obviously draws a lot of exclamation marks from this reviewer! ! ! In all seriousness, though, the perfect 'trills' or 'downward runs' perfectly synchronized on keys and saxophone were musically provoking.
The Dark Waltz was wonderful. During this piano solo, I was able to envision moments of dance laced with gossip sessions and snide looks cast out from all sides at the Phantom-esque middle-aged or older couple simply enjoying each other, and the pleasure of the dance irregardless of those others in attendance. Breathtaking.
Harmonia Reflections. In this piece I thoroughly enjoyed the piano, and this was a stellar piece which truly had a galaxy in view!
For Bell of the Ball Derek was joined by his self-described 'partner in crime' to sing a "Renaissance" duet. Lauren McDowell fit the part well, and played her part as the Belle of the Ball.
Derek dedicated Stay the Same to the 'life and family of Kelsey Gallagher.' I can only say that I loved it! We all can relate, and this fitting piece brought a tear to each eye! Joined by Emily Clark (obviously an excellent singer in her own right), Derek reminded us that true friendships will last into eternity, picking up where they left off after a few months or a few decades. Thank you, Derek.
I wish I had stood to applaud A Sax Moot, but was pleased that the audience eventually gave young Mr. Kostovick the ovation he deserved, although the encore was not a Kostovick original.
I would like to end this review praising God for the excellent talent extended to Derek Kostovick, and thanking Him for the joy placed in our hearts because of this talented and accomplished musician. May Derek continue to bless the One who blessed him.
Labels: Derek, Derek Kostovick, Kevin Padworski, Lauren McDowell, recital, review
13 November 2008
God's Short Arms?
"Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ears to dull to hear. But you iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear."
These verses from Isaiah 59:1-2 (NIV) have been playing in my head for some time, now.
The past month has been one of the most trying months in my Christian life. From the death of a co-worker to temptation to 'bag-it-all' and run, Jesus Christ has brought me through. There's
a song that includes these words:
Can You hear me?
Can You touch me?
Can You break through these chains that define me?
Draw me closer in, don't let me go alone, don't let me go.
I need you to KNOW that the answer to those questions is YES! I've found during my 37 years that Jesus can hear, can reach, and will draw me (and you) closer in! He has broken through some major chains that defined me for years! His arm was not too short, and He has shown me some sinful patterns that prevented this new level of freedom I've found!
For so long I've defined myself through the (perceived) eyes of others (what will so-and-so think). My perceived level of importance in another's mind could wreak havoc on my heart. While believing my identity was in Christ, my observable theology was working itself out that my identity was in others. Now I can more fully say, it is "Christ in me, the hope of glory!"
Labels: chains, deaf ears, God, House Band, identity, Isaiah 59, others, perception, short arms
08 November 2008
Why the Wait?
So, it's unfortunately relatively normal for me to 'skim' when reading God's Word,
especially when it's a 'familiar' passage of Scripture. I can't claim to have read the book of Joshua all that many times, but certainly have a few times.
That being said, it's amazing that the Lord can interrupt the reading flow, or have a Pastor comment, or somehow take the hum-drumm and breathe new life into it (I think that's why it's the Bread of LIFE, or the LIVING WORD of GOD)!
At any rate, here's Joshua 1:(10+)11
And Joshua commanded the officers of the people, "Pass through the midst of the camp and command the people, 'Prepare your provisions, for within three days you are to pass over this Jordan to go in to take possession of the land that the LORD your God is giving you to possess."
Seems pretty straightforward, right?
- We have followed the children of Israel as they followed a pillar of cloud/fire for the past 40ish years, and now they are actually going to enter in!
- Or perhaps this time there's a warning because, after all, there are well over a million people to prepare for the 'battle' phase of their wandering and settling?
- Maybe it's because Josh want's to do things differently than Moses, and has worked out this 'behind-the-scenes' deal w/God?
Why do I care? I suppose because the Holy Spirit felt it was important enough to put in there, so it's important enough for me to put a little time into it!
What we discover is very interesting... From vs 11 until chapter 3, vs 1 is another familiar story (I kinda like it when God does that, He's a good author, you know?).
Let me just spill it now: The reason there was a three day warning was because that's how long it would take to prepare one more soul for the Kingdom! Rahab, the Prostitute!
Humor me for a moment, and look at Matthew 1:5-6a
...and Salmon the father of Boaz by Rahab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of David the king...
Without this three day pause, recorded in Scripture, we would not have Rahab to marry Salmon, to father Boaz, who as an older man would marry Ruth (yes, the one with the Book about her in the Bible). Ruth ad Boaz would never have had Jesse, the father of David the sweet Psalmist of Israel!
God takes three days to secure a spot for David's Great Grandmother!
Besides that, here's her verbal contribution to the story (2:9b and following, italics mine):
"I know that the LORD has given you the land, and that the fear of you has fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land melt away before you. For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea before you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordon, to Sihon and Og, whom you devoted to destruction. And as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted and there was no spirit left in any man because of you, for the LORD your God, he is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath...".
God interrupted the lives of over a million people, to impact this one woman, to impact the lives of over a million people with encouragement, and ultimately, for their salvation and ours!
Why the wait? Because God is just as interested in the one, as the million!
Labels: God, Israel, Joshua, King David, Living Word, million, one person, one woman, Rahab, read the Word, Salvation, Word of God
05 November 2008
I'm doing a quick run through the Bible, looking for Prophets. I don't recall many popular ones... Most brought an uncomfortable conviction to most... Many were shunned by their people in addition to those to whom they prophesied...
It appears God establishes the 'office' of Prophet in Deuteronomy (13 & 18). Before this time it appears Moses and Aaron were the only prophets (God Himself excluded for this exercise). The people seemed to love Aaron, but he gave them a cow to worship. Moses the people hated one minute ('why have you brought us out here to die' 'where are the onions?') and loved at other times ('speak to God on our behalf and we will do all that you say').
Let's see:
Nathan the Prophet: condemned David for Uzziah's murder and David's adultery--uncomfortable.
Ahijah the Prophet: told King Jeroboam the nation would be split 10:2 -- uncomfortable.
I Kings UnNamed Prophet: Prophet One delivered uncomfortable message and headed home as directed by the Lord; Prophet Two stops him, says a message from the Lord, which gets Prophet One killed after doing the comfortable thing (not sure if second Prophet was of the Lord, or not).
Ahijah the Prophet: You gonna die. -- uncomfortable.
Jehu the Prophet: Prophesied against all the evil in the sight of the Lord! -- uncomfortable.
Ba'al's Prophets: People loved them -- comfortable.
Elijah the Prophet: Repent and return to the Lord! People tried to kill him -- uncomfortable.
Isaiah the Prophet: Set your house in order... you gonna die. -- uncomfortable.
and of course, Jesus said that Prophets are rejected... as He was.
OK, so then there are the prophets that prophesied good things, which were not true, but made people feel good about themselves... oh king the Lord is with thee, go to battle... at which point the other King asked if there were any other Prophets to consult and the unpopular one with the unpopular message was thrown into prison and put on bread and water until his prophecy 'did not come true?!!!' Remarkable.
Change is coming to America. I'm not a prophet in the Biblical sense of the word, but America as we have known it will change. I think people will like it and for a season they will feel good about themselves and the nation and socialized health care and poor getting money and those mean old rich people getting their due and... on and on.
People are comfortable, hearing things that tickle the ear.
Jesus, the Son of God, the Messiah will be coming back soon. When He arrives, will He find faith on earth? Let's spread the uncomfortable message that God loves people and Christ died for people and the Holy Spirit is still in the life-saving, life-changing business.
Revival is the change we need. Repentance is the change we need.
Repentance that leads to heart change. We can't legislate morality, and obviously that won't happen any time soon, anyway.
God, who cannot lie, promised that if His people, who are called by His Name, would:
--humble OURselves
--seek His face
--turn from our wicked ways (that's still to us, believers!)
--He will hear from heaven
--He will forgive our sin
--He will heal our land
Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!
a humbled ChaplainChas.
Labels: Abijah, Ahijah, America, change, False Prophet, Isaiah, Jesus, legislate morality, Nathan, Prophet, repent, revival, Uzziah

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