29 January 2008


Learning to blog

Well, I'm not so good at this. Feels like journaling, or a diary. Should there be a purpose? A goal? A point, even?

Why should anybody care what I have to say?

God, what do You want me to do? Thanks for Your help and participation in tonight's teaching. Daniel was an example of a man of God. It was fun discussing You and him with the men at HUSA's mixed group tonight. I think they were blessed too.

I'm the last one here tonight, and need to head home. Work comes early in the morning, but I figured I should pop into the old blog-o-sphere and say something.

All, sorry to waste your time. Thanks for reading.

Your random friend in Christ,

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23 January 2008


Heath Ledger

Today the death of 28 year old Heath Ledger, of "Brokeback Mountain" fame, is all over the news. I believe he leaves behind a widow and child (papers say never married). How sad.

The media is playing it up as an overdose, possibly a suicide according to the radio. I trust this is not the case (intentional suicide, at any rate). Although I've been there.

No, I've never been attractive, rich, married, popular, or attained super hero status; but I've been suicidal. Thinking about it brings me back to my college days as an emotionally dependent pathological liar. I had no grasp of the sufficiency of Jesus Christ in those days.

How sad it would be if his sleeping pills interacted with other medications and the influenza (pneumonia?) sped up some meds and slowed down the efficiency of others. This happens.

I further mourn for his wife, parents, kid(s) and friends. Heath was not just an actor in Hollywood, you know. He must have been a family man with household chores and financial concerns and temptations and struggles like the rest of humanity. The pictures on MSNBC show him happy with the family, but he is after all an actor. I hope they have good memories, and that their last days together were not overly stressful.

I'd love to hear them reminice.

I didn't know the man. I don't know the family. I saw him in "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson, and "A Knight's Tale" where he did a fine job, and on ads for Brokeback, although I've never seen the movie. I'd like to speak with him. I know, too late for that.

Intentional or accidental, Heath is now in his final resting place; I'm speaking spiritually, as his body hasn't even been released to the family to the best of my knowledge.

I don't know the spiritual beliefs of the Ledger family, but I pray for Michelle and Matilda Rose, and his other relations. This I call to mind, and in this I find my hope: Because of the Lord's great love for me, I am not consumed. His mercies are new every morning. The Lord is my strength and my portion. Therefore, I can say unto my Lord, "Great is Your faithfullness, my Jesus, my Rock, and my Salvation."

I know that regardless of whether or not Heath Ledger is in Heaven or Hell for eternity (yes, I said the "H" word), He would want it shared that John 14 is true. Jesus is the Son of God, who has gone to prepare a place (Heaven) for those who accept and believe He is the way, the truth, and the life; and that no one can get to the Father (for eternity, in Heaven) but through Him (Jesus).

Jesus also promised He would not leave His people comfortless when He ascended to Heaven, but instead would provide a Comfortor for us who believe.

John 3:16 states that God loved the world so much, that He sent His one and only Son, that if anyone (Heath, Chas., Matilda, Michelle...) would believe in Him, they would not die an eternally painful separation from God, but would have everlasting life rejoicing in the presence of the God above all gods.

...I know this is random, and probably not publish-worthy, but it is where my mind is for now.

Your Random Friend,

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21 January 2008


Praying Randomly

I REALLY like random. Sometimes I think that my thinking is random, and am bothered by it. Other times I take it as a gift from God. Thank You, God for the gift of randomness. The crisp sunny air outside is nice (in the sun). The 12 does nibbling on the grass at the end of the building. A job. Another job. Friends.

It's NICE to have friends. Lord, thank You for my friends. Thank you for Carlos Kalczuk and Scott Pickering and Randy Thomas ... and parents who love me. Ha. I almost put, 'and for brown paper packages, tied up with string' but decided against it.

JESUS is a pretty random sort of God. He healed blind people by touching, by putting mud on their eyes, by... He hung with Apostles and B-Postles, Pharisees, tax-collectors, prostitutes, adulterers, fishermen... He died for fat people, small people, short and tall people...

Thank You, God; for the gift of Random.

11 January 2008



'This is the day that the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it!'

It's time that I start blogging with some semblance of regularity. I don't know who I'll tell. I don't know who I'll invite. I don't know to whom this may be disavowed.

This one thing I know, and this I call to mind: Because of the Lord's great love for me, I need not be consumed w/doubt or fear or worry or... His mercies are new every morning. Therefore, I can say unto my Lord (Jesus Christ), "Great is Thy faithfullness, Oh Lord, my rock and my salvation."


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