15 March 2008



This evening as I type, I rest in the arms of the One who knows best, and cares far more about both me and my friends than I ever can.

I had to do something painful last night. I do not glory in it, but I must needs set up a memorial stone to remember that it was done, and so this is it. A few weeks ago, my friend hurt me. I was angry enough that if we'd spoken shortly thereafter I'd have told him where to go. The anger turned to frustration which turned to bitterness. It began to affect me deeply.

I was reminded that in Ephesians we are told to not even let the sun set while we are angry, and I had disobeyed. I had a festering sore which was beginning to ooze onto others. I was in sin, and my friend was none the wiser.

I loved my friend. I love my friend. He is my friend and I want whatever God wants for him. I want God's best for him; therefore, I decided I needed to be honest with him, and pray that the possibility of a little pain would not turn him against me, but turn him toward God, to do His divine surgery on/in my friends heart.

Last night I told my friend he hurt me. I needed him and he was not there. Lonliness is not a fun ocean to dwell near.

His response was better than expected, but mostly expected none-the-less.

God is faithful. He will bind us together to better serve each other in the future. BUT, should he choose to allow seperation, I am willing, so long as it's in my friends best interest. God is love, and in Him there is no darkness at all... faithful are the wounds of a friend.

Today, I miss my friend, but I am at peace with God. May He continue to reign in both our hearts to will and to do according to His good pleasure.

With good sorrow,

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