25 October 2008
This morning I drove to work in a rental. My car was not available. I think the AAA tow service garage is going to plunder and pillage my bank account just to fix the brakes (and whatever-else they deem necessary). They say it'll be done Monday morning.
You see, yesterday I was headed to the last regular season soccer game for TCAGirlsSoccer (as mentioned in other posts) down in Egg Harbor Twshp. I almost always leave plenty of time for interruptions so I was making good time down Street Road when something fell off my car and the brakes decided not to work. I eased into the 'emergency' lane and slowed to a stop. Thinking that wasn't the best place to be I drove around the corner (slowly) into a parking lot, and called TRIPLE A.
Within 15" my car was being towed to their place (about 2:15 PM on a Friday), which apparently doesn't do any work Friday afternoons (they wouldn't look at it, believing they knew the problem and would not schedule an 'appointment only' slot on Saturday. Sooooooooo, Monday morning. I pray it's not too expensive and that they do better work (as personality is not their forte).
Enter rental company. I'm driving a Toyota SUV which I can't even tell if it has a brand name, but runs nicely (although takes a LOT of fuel)... and got me to the soccer game about 15 minutes late (about 1 3/4 hours from my place).
Got in some fellowship time with Coach (which is why I went in the first place) and returned home.
Getting ready for work this AM I realized my work boots, work keys and pager are all in my car, not near my home and the opposite direction of work and church. Sigh.
Chatted with a co-worker about yesterday's funeral (former co-worker), and voila, here I am.
I'm so glad God knows what He's doing! Perhaps someday I'll find out. For now I'll just rest in His arms of grace, swimming in the ocean of His love, abiding in Him. Praise God, I actually can pay the bill when it comes. I guess God had different plans for that money.
That's a post for another time.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: AAA, Boz, brakes, car, funeral, Jesus, money, ocean, rental, soccer
20 October 2008
Of Life and Death
Sunday evening I helped out in Manhattan at the
NYC Harvest '08 w/Greg Laurie (Madison Square Gardens). All the tickets were sold and some 13,000 men, women and children attended. Over a thousand registered decisions for Christ Jesus.
It was so awesome. Pastor Greg spoke of the death of his son, Christopher Laurie, in a MVC this past July, commenting that Christopher is now in Heaven. He knows this because Christopher believed the Bible's promise that if on confesses their sins to God, and accepts God's gift of forgiveness and eternal life (through Jesus Christ, His Son) they SHALL be saved.
Christopher didn't, and those 1,300+ won't be going to heaven because of who they are. Christopher doesn't get in because his Dad's a Pastor (I don't read anywhere in Scripture, or other writings where God has Grandchildren). Those making decisions to live for Jesus the remainder of their time on earth, and into eternity will get to spend it with the Master of the Universe because of what Jesus did on the cross, not because of anything they have done.
Shortly after Pastor Greg began his message I received a text message advising that a co-worker (age 39) died of a massive heart attack just a couple hours prior. I finished what I was doing with the Crusade and was amazed at the contrast. Even as a friend passed on from physical life to physical death, a thousand people passed from eternal death to eternal life!
The contrast was stark, and amazing. The reminders of Christopher Laurie (Traumatic Death) and Boz (Medical Death) and then the redemption of all those people who are now spiritually ready to pass from physical life to spiritual eternal life with Jesus.
We are not guaranteed our next breath. I am not quite Boz' age, and I'm a little older than Christopher. Whenever God decides I've accomplished His will for me here on earth He will call me home to Heaven. I am ready. I've accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. He's my friend, my King and my God.
Jesus is ready for relationship with you, just call Him!
Labels: Boz, Christopher Laurie, death, eternal damnation, eternal life, God, Harvest, Harvest Crusade, How to Know God, Jesus, life
18 October 2008
Soul Force
Today I was confronted with 'two' different
SoulForce Equality Ride stories.
Confrontation one was from last year, I was told that a college in the mid-south had had the team arrested for trespassing. Being in rural poduncky it took a couple days for them to be released. I heard that members of the school visited them in prison, and such.
Selah (stop and consider) ...I keep a link on my bookmark bar for AtoZ South... whom I had/have never met or heard of prior to hearing he was 'coming out' as a gay christian. My heart is so burdened for this young man. I pray we are able to spend a lot of time together in the future. I pray for him and Jesus; that they would spend a lot of time together.
I read on his blog about a stop this year further south (he's now with SoulForce), and six of his team members were arrested a few days ago. His comment was wondering if his co-riders would be visited in prison by anyone from the school, especially since they had been denied access to a chapel service and shelter from the rain by the campus.
I did not find out the answer to this question.
I just know that my heart is more deeply burdened by these deceived brothers, for I truly believe that is what they are (AtoZ, RB and others).
AtoZ, if you ever read this. I am a born-again, blood-bought believer in Jesus Christ whom you'd likely label evangelical and possibly even a believer in the fundamentals of the faith. I love you with the love of the Lord. I pray His hand of protection upon you and that as you seek His Face and His Will you'll be open to hear the Truth (it sets us free).
Blessings! through my tears,
Labels: Azariah, confrontation, deception, Equality, God's love, homosexuality, Love, SoulForce
15 October 2008
10 October 2008
I love You more
Today I felt my life change in a movie theatre.
God was there, and He met me in a radical, powerful way.
The words that changed my life, my worldview, were written on a card, leaning against a vase of roses. A computer had previously occupied that space.
I had heard the words before. I have spoken, and likely written the words before. They are not scripture, although the thought is scriptural.
The card? It read simply: "I love you more"
The implication? More than boats or thrills or pornography or relationships; more than the esteem of men, or money or security (real or perceived) or religion or lustful pleasures; more than fortune or fame or life itself.
I love you more.
Jesus, I love You more.
This means I admit to loving the things of the world, but I love You more, and trust my love of these will fade as I love You more.
This means I acknowledge that You have demonstrated Your own love for me in that though I was a sinner, You loved me! You gave Your life for me! (Romans 5:8)
This means I acknowledge I've been trying to do it on my own.
No more.
NO MORE. I love You more!
An hour later, writing this at the Chic-Fil-A, I love You more.
Three hours later, typing this onto my blog, I love You more!
Fantasy creeps into the periphery of my mind. My lust for simple pleasures or complex experiences pale in comparison to You.
No more buying people's friendships.
No more gawking after Your creations, Your creatures, Your image-bearers.
I will bear Your image better.
I love You more.
Labels: acknowledge, admit, fantasy, fireproof, i love you more, Jesus, Romans, sin
08 October 2008
Dunno who may have noticed I've been in absentia, but I'm back (I think).
The Greater Philadelphia Harvest '08 w/Greg Laurie was great! I've missed those brothers and sisters! Some 45,500 people attended over the course of 3 nights with 3,365 registering decisions of commitment to Jesus Christ!
Labels: 3365, 45500, Greg, Greg Laurie, Harvest, Harvest Crusade, Philladelphia

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