22 January 2009



I suppose it's about time I catch up here, eh?

Honest and sappy, first, OK?

I've been mostly F.I.N.E., but sometimes S.A.D. has kicked in over the past month.



Both seem somewhat selfish, upon introspection, but I don't seem able to fully control either.  No, I'm not professionally diagnosed w/SAD, but rain/clouds/snow/freezing combined w/'perceiving' I'm alone in this world tend to get me there quicker than bright, sunshiny days!

I hesitate to put much personal up here about Christmas, so let's just say I was in Maine for a White Christmas.  Travel days were clear (weather-wise), although the ride back to the city of brotherly-shove was bumper to bumper the last three + hours!  Boring and lonely, for the most part.

My immediate family (down to nephews :-]>) were all there the whole time :-[> I was.  It's quite amazing to admit I missed having alone time with my parents!

We got together one day with friends from my REAL growing up days, and I LOVED it.  The Spielvogels are such wonderful people, and we got to meet all the spouses.  They have a great house/ camp less than two hours from my parents.  I hope to get back there sometime soon!

I've been working on having a better 'work ethic' at work (say that three times, fast).  Administratively I've been a lot busier this year, because of it!

Ministry at HUSA is changing hours soon...  Not sure what God's doing to me, there.  I just know I lose a church night, which for this single guy is 'family time.'  I love my guys, though.  They bless me in ways they'll never know this side of Heaven!

I'm working on pricing for re-doing my main floor at home (all wood flooring, knocking out a wall, moving cabinets and the electrical stuffs...), and then pursuing a better mortgage!

Yup.  Errands, and sleep, and trying to be a friend to all takes up the rest of my time.

Jesus is mostly on the throne of my life.  We're taking time together at the end of the month to fellowship and so I can learn His voice a bit better.  I can hardly wait.

Well, sorry for the mellow-drama.


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