14 December 2008
Unconditional Friendship
Is there such a thing as Unconditional Friendship. That is the question I was posed.
I see my friend has posted his answer, and I have not yet responded, so here I go (before reading your answer, Randy)...
My friend Craig would say my answer is a 'Chasism.' My answer is "Yes & No."
The only YES I can come up with would be Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
On a fully man to man (as different than man to God-man) plane I fear the answer is NO. I have always wanted the answer to be yes.
A big portion of my life has been spent in a passionate pursuit of the man or men who would fulfill my quest for unconditional love, acceptance, and yes, friendship. Apart from Christ (and I've discovered He is who I was actually pursuing), these things are most definitely beyond reach, and there is the biggest condition. Christ must be a part of the friendship.
There is another condition.
To the best of my ability I have followed what I know to be God's command to love and role-model that love of God to more than one individual, in essence, be a best friend whether that is returned or not. I have been hurt, abused, misled and occasionally rejected (albeit briefly) as I have attempted to be a friend-that-sticks-closer-than-a-brother.
The condition is that a friendship is a two-way street, walked together, hand in hand. What I have freely offered, w/o condition, still must needs be received.
The human heart according to Jeremiah 17:9 (?) is deceitful and wicked. This side of heaven, I don't see it happening anymore.
I've mentioned friends on this blog in the past. I love them more than I love my self and they know I will not hesitate to do anything for them (if I deem it in their best interest, or feel God's leading that way -- more conditions?), and have on more than one occasion.
Money? Time? A hand? Advice? My life? Love? Patience? Hope? A desire to share the meat of the Scripture? Love for Jesus Christ? A Passionate Pursuit of the Holy One? All these and more I gladly dedicate and consecrate to our friendship and relationship with Abba -- Father God.
Since my love for my friends is from the overflow of my love for God, and by His grace this will not change, than I would say that from this side of the street I pose the offer of unconditional (faithful?) friendship.
I see it as the love of a wife for her husband, but now-a-days that seems altogether too conditional. Many are even skipping the vows.
The love of a Father for his children? I don't know that that would stand the test, either.
In closing I would have to bow to God, the Master of the Universe, and say that Unconditional Friendship is a two way street, based primarily on a love relationship with HIM; the overflow of which can be a conditional 'unconditional friendship.'
Hope you're not too confused.
Labels: Chasism, conditions, Craig, ETC, friend, friends, friendship, Nate, Randy, Ryan, unconditional
05 December 2008
Emergency Department

The diagnosis: near-syncope.
I could have told them that.
For those who don't know, I work full time as an EMT-Paramedic (as opposed to an EMT-Basic).
My partner and I had actually just saved a life... that doesn't happen all the time; many who activate EMS (the Emergency Medical System) really aren't having a life or limb threatening event... At any rate, we were headed to the fuel yard when my cell phone began to feel heavy in my hand.
...When my 'heavy feeling' didn't go away, and light-headedness began, I checked out my pulse and decided I wanted to put myself on a heart monitor so I had my partner pull over (and we called the other crew, as nothing like this had ever happened to me before). I was in my 'normal sinus arrhythmia' as usual, but there were some variations the other medic got excited about, and I decided were worth checking out (considering my symptoms).
So, I got my second ride -- for myself -- in the back of an ambulance.
Out of the 5 ED physicians on duty, I was assigned the one who has been my medical command physician at a volunteer squad for some 14 years... Funny.
Vital Signs:
BP up initially
HR Normal for me (under 60bpm)
SpO2: 97% (over 95 is a passing grade)
R Normal LS CTA

Still felt lightheaded/ heaviness for several minutes in ED, especially w/quick movement.
The most stressful part was that my books were back at the station, and they wouldn't let me on facebook to catch up even though there was a computer in the room! I had to watch Law and Order after an hour of nothing...
At any rate, I had a 12-Lead ECG, heart monitoring throughout, blood tests and a CT scan (yes, I now have proof I have a brain). The long and short of it is the discharge diagnosis was: NEAR SYNCOPE (almost fainting). Really ppl, srsly.
I have a follow up appointment next week w/my PCP to review the bloodwork, etc., and schedule specialist's appointments (yuck).
Well, hopefully this will limit some questions about my ER visit, but feel free to ask anything, and PRAY. It could be dehydration (most likely in my mind), a blood sugar problem (least likely in my mind) or a cardiac problem (possible, as my heart beats pretty slow for a big guy).
In case I haven't told you in a while, I love you, and Jesus does too!
PS: If this is disjointed, I apologize. It was not written in one sitting. :-]>
Labels: ambulance, cardiac, ED, Emergency Department, ER, facebook, God, sugar, vital signs
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