04 February 2008


Of Giants and Patriots

Sunday night placed a new marker in my life. I watched the SuperBowl game from start to finish. I skipped church; the official function slash location that is called 'church' that is. I fellowshipped with believers. I ate good food. I celebrated life.

Being from New England helped in my desire to watch. The Patriots started the game with a perfect season. 18 wins, 0 losses. Well, that's almost a perfect season. They lost the last game.

'The Giants wanted it more.' 'The Giants played harder.' 'The Pats were cocky.' 'The coaches...'.

I enjoyed the game. That surprised me too. I've never been one for sports, and football has confused me more than any other. I don't like pain. The commercials weren't that good. Well, Dorito's second attempt at a commercial made me laugh. I'm not sure what the point of a giant mouse pummeling a man in a suit is, but I haven't forgotten the commercial. I may just buy a bag of Doritos because of the commercial. Huh?

I watched the game with a pregnant Rhode Islander, her artist husband, his girl's basketball coach brother, their high school sister, and a couple toddling girls. It was a very fulfilling, 'masculine' night for me. Huh? Take another dorito, and think about it.

The Pats had a 'near-perfect' season, which didn't end well. It's not a perfect season. They were out-played. Their hearts did not appear to be in it; well, their leaders heart (that is to say, Tom Brady's heart) did not appear to be in it. I don't know him. I'll likely never know him this side of eternity. I don't know his eternal status (let's pray for him). His look always reminded me of how I felt I looked when I looked for hours at porn. Did you know there was a look for times like that?

I want to finish well.

I don't have a perfect season behind me. I haven't always been joyful or given thanks in all things. I've scorned my parents, lied, lived a selfish, self-serving, self-gratifying life. I've been angry, and sinned in my anger. I've envied, coveted and taken what I wanted w/o permission.

I want to finish well.

For the joy set before Him He endured the cross. Huh?

Jesus finished well. 'Though your sins dye you a deep scarlet red, My blood will wash you whiter than the freshly fallen snow.'

I may not have a perfect 'rest of my season' but with Jesus, I won't have the look of spending hours with porn anymore. The stealing has ceased. I love my parents more every day. Lying is not pathological and I have joy in serving both Jesus and others more than when I serve my own interests.

The Pats season ended well if they did their best. I'm not able to judge that. I don't even know all the rules of the sport of football. I don't know all the rules of life, but for this I have a manual which I care deeply about. The Patriots and the Giants will both likely go on for years to come.

So will I.

My friend Scott reminds me regularly, that there's 'only one life, it'll soon be past; only what's done for Christ will last.'

Be well,
Be at peace,
Be Blessed!

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